In 1800, during the British period, Thangur, Shuk, Kulik, Patharaj and Dhapa widows were formed in a place near the present municipality area by the initiative of a Tagore family. According to their name the Thana is named Thakurgaon Thana. According to the opinion of Thakur-that is, due to the multiplicity of Brahmanas, the name of the place is Thakurgaon. In 1860 it was declared as sub-division. Under it, there were six police stations namely- Sadar, Baliadangi, Pirganj, Rani Shankauli, Haripur and Atwari. Thakurgaon started a new journey in 1947 as a subdivision of 10 thana of 3 thanas of Jalpaiguri district and 1 thana of Kotwihar (the remaining 4 thanas of Panchagarh district except Atauri). But in 1981, the geographical boundaries of Thakurgaon collapsed in 5 thanas in the Panchagarh separate subdivision with Atwari, Panchagarh, Boda, Debiganj and Tetulia. Thanas are - Thakurgaon Sadar, Baliadangi, Pirganj, Rani Shankial and Haripur. On 1 February 1984, Thakurgaon started their journey with these five thanas.
Though a small district, Thakurgaon is an ancient heritage township of Thakurgaon. Here, as the people of indigenous people hold their language and culture for thousands of years, the process of transformation of Buddhist, Hindu, Muslim regime is going on here. The ancient ponds and gurus of the district show the patterns of ancient civilization. The people of this district have linked the civilization and culture of the other districts of greater Dinajpur district and have participated in all social and political movements. After the independence of 1971, the people of Thakurgaon district, like the other districts of the Barind Tract, have gradually been able to gain better communication and other benefits of development, and gradually progressing towards the path of economic prosperity.
Planning and Implementation: Cabinet Division, A2I, BCC, DoICT and BASIS