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Shuk River

The Shuk River originates from a bill near Patiyadangi Hat in Thakurgaon Sadar Upazila in the northern part of Bangladesh and joins the Tangon River in Thakurgaon District. The length of this river is 30 km. Width 20 meters and depth 4.5 meters. The area of the river basin is 100 square kilometers.

The Shuk River is very prone to erosion due to the abundance of bends. There is Buribandh irrigation project in this river. There is no erosion prevention system in this river. The basin area of about 100 square kilometers is very fertile, so crops are also grown well.

The river flows throughout the year. This river has low flow in April. Then the flow rate is 0.90 m3/s and the water depth is 1.2 m. In July and August, the flow rate increases to 3.25 cubic meters/second. Shuk River is not tidal. Thakurgaon city is located on the banks of this river.