ঠাকুরগাঁও সদর উপজেলা পরিষদের দক্ষিন-পূর্বে প্রায় ৬.০০ কি.মি. দূরে জগন্নাথপুর ইউনিয়নে অবস্থিত
বলাকা উদ্যান বা কুমিল্লা হাড়ি ঠাকুরগাঁও সদর উপজেলা পরিষদের দক্ষিন-পূর্বে প্রায় ৬.০০ কি.মি. দূরে জগন্নাথপুর ইউনিয়নে অবস্থিত । সত্যপীর ব্রীজ বা বাস টার্মিনাল হতে এখানে বাস যোগে বা ব্যাটারী চালিত অটোরিক্সাযোগে বড় খোচা বাড়ী থেকে ০.৫ কিলো পর গৌরীপূর নামক স্থান থেকে দক্ষিন দিকে ০.৫ কিলো দুরত্ব গেলেই বলাকা উদ্যান বা কুমিল্লা হাড়ি যাওয়া যায় ।
A recreation center and picnic spot about 6.00 km south-east of Thakurgaon Sadar Upazila Parishad. Located in Jagannathpur Union. However, the recreation center is currently situated on an average of 8.40 acres of land with an average length of about 615 feet and an average width of 595 feet. According to folklore, during the excavation of the pond, a large quantity of earth stones used in the Comilla area were found and ancient coins were found in the stones, since then this pond came to be known as Comilla Hari. Upazila Parishad has been working on the development of the center since 1984, which includes construction of boundary wall, construction of ghatla, tree planting, construction of connecting roads with the help of Zilla Parishad. The Upazila Parishad has been protecting the structures, trees and other resources on top of the hill by arranging for it all the time. Upazila Parishad has been taking care of this center for almost 32 years. At present Thakurgaon Sadar Upazila is home to about 6.00 lakh people including about lakhs of children. As there is no recreational center for their mental development, the current Upazila Parishad has taken it as a "special project" to give the center a makeover. Some modern riders, picnic spot equipment, rest house modernization, construction of public toilets etc. are included in the project to change the mentality of children.
Goal and purpose:- Balaka Udyan or Comilla Hari recreation center and picnic spot will be used as a recreation center for the children and adolescents, students and general public of Thakurgaon Sadar Upazila and the whole of Bangladesh. This institution is not for any commercial purpose but will be run with special consideration for the condition of the common people of the area. Persons who have received special privileges from the state, VIPs, CIPs, senior government officials and their families will enjoy special benefits. Moreover, if any kind of development or promotion measures are taken by the government in this project, it will be accepted with gratitude. If any proposal is made by any non-governmental organization for the development of the project, the management committee will make a decision in consultation with the council if necessary after analyzing the case.
How to go:
Balaka Udyan or Comilla Hari is about 6.00 km south-east of Thakurgaon Sadar Upazila Parishad. Located in Jagannathpur Union. Balaka Udyan or Comilla Hari can be reached from Bara Khocha Bari after 0.5 km from Bara Khocha Bari from Satyapir Bridge or Bus Terminal and 0.5 km to the south from Gouripur.
Planning and Implementation: Cabinet Division, A2I, BCC, DoICT and BASIS